Look great naked. Be proud of who you are. Enjoy life.
(My 90-day guarantee.)

Hey, I’m Matt: a nationally accredited Registered Dietitian, online personal trainer, and a guy who smiles way too big for professional photos.
I coach people like you how to unapologetically live life on your terms ⏤ and look good doing it.
And YES, I’ll get you abs. But seriously, this will make you happier…
I recently asked a potential new client, Jordan, what motivated him most to finally commit to this transformation.
He wrote back this…
“I have a lot of family members with weight related health issues so I really want to build habits that can stop me from going down those same paths. My wife and I are expecting our first kid this fall and I want to be able to be active with them as well as set a good example.”
All I could think was, “Damn.”
Jordan wasn’t worried about abs or setting gym PR’s ⏤ he just wanted to live a healthy life and be a great dad to his first child.
Still staring at my screen, I then realized my relationship with my clients went beyond the mirror. Sure, Jordan wants to look good (and he does, GREAT actually, which I’ll show you in a minute), but there’s something deeper he’s after.
And he’s not alone. I’ve had heartfelt conversations with countless other guys and they⏤excuse me, we⏤all share the same struggles as Jordan.
The Everyday Struggles of the Modern Man
We feel like we’re behind our peers and everyone else has their shit together.
We’re focused on our careers, so we often feel mentally defeated after a long day (we can always hit the gym tomorrow, right?).
We want to be proud of how we look, but don’t want to come across as “uptight,” “strict,” or “not fun” when out with buddies or on that first date with someone we just met.
We’re afraid that bad habits now could turn into lifelong bad habits if we don’t change something (and soon).
Worst of all, we’re afraid of waking up one day and realizing we’re just another average Joe with an average body, average job, and an average life.
This is the real shit that keeps us up at night.
And they aren’t guesses⏤the struggles above were direct quotes from surveys and client applications from guys I’ve helped.
I’ve felt them too, but talking about me isn’t helpful right now, so let’s talk about you.
So here’s the same tough questions I asked Jordan:
- How did you end up here?
- What are you missing?
- And how do you get to that “next level”? (That seems just out of reach.)
I think writer and entrepreneur, Derek Sivers put it nicely:
“If more information was the answer, then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs.”
And since you’re reading this, I know you’re a smart guy who seeks out solutions. You’ve likely done your research, experimented with different workouts, and even played guinea pig with a couple (questionable) supplements.
You genuinely want to change. But for whatever reason, it’s not sticking.
In fact, you’re the only thing that’s stuck. And after coaching hundreds of guys⏤plus going through these myself⏤I’d bet good money this sounds familiar…
The 10 Stages Of Feeling Stuck

If these resonate, I know it’s tough to hear. But before you X out of this page or send me an angry email, keep reading for just a few more lines because this is your ah-ha moment.
Because here’s the truth: smart, disciplined, and dedicated guys get stuck too. Don’t think for a second that just because you’ve felt these stages firsthand that you’re lazy or don’t want it bad enough.
You and I both know that’s not true. So, why?
3 Reasons Why Smart Guys Who Know How To Workout Can Still Struggle To Get In Shape
Reason 1: They think they can figure it out on their own (or embarrassed to ask for help).
Reason 2: They’re missing a simple, but effective system to see results month after month
Reason 3: They lack a clear commitment and ongoing accountability to that commitment.
These three reasons come up CONSTANTLY on potential client applications. Another pattern these same guys tend to have in common: they spend too much time in the dreaded “Grey Area.”
The “Grey Area”

Someone in the “Grey Area”…
- “Watches what they eat,” but doesn’t know how many calories they ate yesterday.
- Hits the gym several times a week, but doesn’t have a workout plan that is adaptable to their ever-changing lifestyle and goals (and they might not be following a plan at all).
- Goes by “feeling” ⏤ they feel like they’re doing ok, or they feel like they’re eating good enough, but they can’t give you specific physical and mental milestones they’ve reached in the last 12 weeks.
Whether they realize it or not, guys find comfort in the Grey Area because they have no set rules. And when they don’t have rules, it makes it easy to justify their poor decisions. This same logic applies to people who refuse to step on the scale or check their bank accounts.
They’re avoiding reality by subconsciously or consciously choosing not to be aware of it. But obviously, this doesn’t make their problems go away⏤it just hides them, resulting in a constant hum of non-specific anxiety in the background of their psyche. Deep down, they feel something is wrong, but they don’t want to open Pandora’s box only to discover they’ve made zero progress in months (and often, years).
In other words, they’re coasting.
And look, coasting is fine in certain situations. If you’re someone who’s (genuinely) going through a lot and needs to coast for a period of time, there’s no shame in that.
But if you’re someone who repeatedly keeps telling yourself you’re going to make a serious change, but don’t ⏤ then coasting is one of the worst things you can do.
It’s even worse than doing nothing at all. Because at least the guys who gave up aren’t lying to themselves.
Here’s why…
The #1 Worst Thing You Can Do To Have An Average Body & Live A Mediocre Life = Consistently break the promises you make to yourself.
When we do this, we start to cement a self-stereotype. We start to see ourselves differently. Every time we don’t do what we say we’re going to, our self-trust slips away just a bit more.
After doing this for days, weeks, or possibly years on end, we might even start to accept not following through.
The cycle continues until eventually our self-narrative changes⏤it’s no longer about what we do, it’s now about who we are.
There’s now a disconnect between what we say we’re going to do and what actually gets done. And when that happens, it’s a slippery slope towards waking up one day, looking in the mirror, and asking ourselves, “what happened to me?”
We start believing we’re the problem…
“I have the worst genetics.”
“I’m too impulsive and impatient.”
“Maybe I’m just not good enough.”
Then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because you’ve lost trust in yourself to follow through with what’s important to you.
The scary result is exactly what keeps us up at night: an average body, an average career, and an average life.
So the question becomes… How do we avoid this self-sabotage to build a body⏤and life⏤we’re proud of?
Hint: the answer is not another tactic, morning routine, or repeating some bullshit affirmations in the mirror.
How to Build a Body (& Life) We’re Proud Of
Remember my client Jordan, from the beginning?
Remember what he said?
“I have a lot of family members with weight related health issues so I really want to build habits that can stop me from going down those same paths. My wife and I are expecting our first kid this fall and I want to be able to be active with them as well as set a good example.”
I mentioned Jordan was searching for something deeper than learning how to count macros or optimize his deadlift form.
He didn’t need more saved Instagram posts, he needed a way of living.
Put simply: Jordan needed to learn how to consistently keep the promises he made to himself. And getting in the best shape of his life was his outlet for doing exactly that.
By keeping his word to himself, he built confidence, a fit body, and⏤most importantly⏤trust in his abilities to accomplish whatever he set his mind to.
Well, after working with him for about 5 months at the time of writing this, I’m confident in saying he found what he was searching for.

Not to mention, he also sent me this email a few weeks BEFORE the above picture was taken…

I’m pissed he didn’t name his kid Matt, but I couldn’t be happier for him.
Because now he’s not getting in shape for just himself, but his family too. And there’s no better way to be a good role model for your family than to keep your word.
So if you’re looking for the same thing Jordan was looking for…
A simple, proven, and results-driven fitness system ⏤ so you can never be confused about what to do next (forever)
A workout and nutrition program designed for REAL life ⏤ so you can build a body you’re proud of, without sacrificing your life to fitness
A coach, friend, and support system to hold you accountable (and call out your bullshit) ⏤ so you can focus on doing the work that matters, instead of second guessing yourself and feeling overwhelmed, confused, or unmotivated
A solution for keeping the promises you make to yourself ⏤ so you can go from living a good life to a GREAT life ...
then you’ve come to the right corner of the Internet. (And to make this super dramatic, allow me to throw on my marketer cap…)
1-on-1 Online Coaching With Matt
Look great naked. Be proud of who you are. Enjoy life.
(With me guiding you every step of the way.)

Let’s get real with each other: this is the part where I’m supposed to sell you on how this coaching program can help you SHRED FAT, PACK ON SLABS OF MUSCLE, and HOOK UP WITH MORE CHICKS! Or, why you NEED my coaching or else you’ll NEVER reach your goals. I’m supposed to CONVINCE you by using CAPITALIZED WORDS so you’ll PAY ME thousands of dollars to solve ALL your problems.
But I say: fuck that. My clients expect me to be honest with them, so I will be honest with you.
This is a 1-on-1 online fitness coaching program. I won’t be able to help you get rich or, like, tame a falcon while we’re working together.
But I can, however, be the solution to your fitness problems. This is my job. I take my job seriously. And I’m good at what I do (my clients will tell you in just a second).
So let’s stop beating around the bush and I’ll lay everything out for you as simply and honestly as I can.
1. 100% Access to me
You’ll check-in with me via email at least once per week for our scheduled weekly updates
You get ME. Not my assistant, team, or anyone else.
You’re always an email, text, DM, or phone call away from me. I know how important it is to know someone has your back when you're confused, anxious, or worried.
2. Client Education
You’ll receive your Getting Started Guide, Client Handbook, 80/20 Grocery List, and video walk-throughs within 24 hours of signing up so you have no doubts on what to do from day one to be another step closer to your goals.
I don’t want clients to blindly listen to me, so with their weekly instructions I make sure to include WHY I’m having them do something.
I welcome feedback and questions on anything I ask my clients to do.
The sign of a great coach is when the coach is no longer needed ⏤ I don’t want my clients to need me forever, and education is the stepping stone for this.

3. Client Handbook
This is your all-in-one resource to having an amazing coaching experience. It includes:
The 4 Keys to Success for my approaches to training and nutrition
Prehab/rehab/mobility and warm-up examples so you stay safe and enjoy your workouts pain-free (or rehab older nagging pains)
How to easily track your food and weight so we don’t waste any time together
My best tips on managing alcohol intake, stress, and sleep so they don’t interfere with your progress.
Detailed templates of FULL days of eating for both fat loss and muscle building.
4. Complete Individualization
There’s a reason why I have people apply to work with me ⏤ I only work with people I know I can help, and the application is the first filter.
After being accepted, you’ll receive a Client Analysis to go over your training and nutrition history, any injuries we have to work around, what habits we need to work on, and much more.
Then, throughout our entire coaching experience, we’ll be adapting your plans to your current lifestyle ⏤ vacations, weddings, birthdays, or whenever “life” happens… I got you covered.
The four principles I individualize your plan around: Fun, Flexibility, Effectiveness, Efficiency.
5. Custom Monthly Workout Plans
You’ll receive a new workout plan every 4 weeks, each with just enough variety to keep your workouts fun without ruining their efficacy.
Each workout plan is tailored to your schedule and preferences⏤more direct arm work, less barbell squats, or an extra mobility workout is just an email away.
I make sure to include exercise tutorials for each workout so you can feel safe and confident performing every lift
Your plans are designed to build off each other from month to month, ensuring consistent progress over time.

6. Nutrition Coaching Designed For Real Life
Bad coaches try to fit the client to their methods, while I fit my methods to my clients
Whether you have 1 year of experience or 11 years of experience, I have a nutrition plan that will meet you where you are and fit to your goals.
Prefer vegan, vegetarian, keto, intermittent fasting, Paleo, IIFYM, whatever? That’s fine, I’m not married to any approach except the one that works best for you. I’ll provide my honest opinion, but which approach you want is up to you.
My nutrition coaching really shines when my clients still want a social life while dieting⏤alcohol, dinners with friends, Sunday brunch, and take-out will never be off limits while we work together.
During your weekly check-in, we’ll see how you did the week prior, answer any questions or concerns you have, then make a game plan for the upcoming week.
7. Goal-Specific Supplementation
Science-backed supplement recommendations to fill in the gaps and deficiencies of your diet plan
Specific formulas to help increase power, improve sleep, sex drive, overall health/well-being, whatever you can think of.
8. Exclusive Client-Only Content
You’ll gain access to my client-only Instagram page that I post content where I don’t post anywhere else.
[Coming Soon] 1-on-1 interviews with clients that I’ll post on my podcast.
9. Results That Don’t Disappear
My coaching is results-driven and 100% guaranteed if you put in the work.
Like I mentioned above, I coach my clients for lasting change so they can manage their own fitness and keep their results forever.
I’m not going to vouch for myself, so I’ll let my clients do that for me in the upcoming section.

10. Friendship For Life
We build a genuine relationship starting on day one, focused on the sole goal of making you happy.
We’ll handle your fitness struggles, but don’t be surprised if we have some deep talks about relationships, work, family, and more.
There are very few clients I’ve coached that I couldn’t see myself grabbing a beer with.
To keep coaching quality high and give you the individual attention you deserve, I limit the total amount of clients I work with.
Why Work With Me Specifically?

I’m not a random Instagram coach who’s good at marketing ⏤ I’m a health and fitness professional:
I graduated from the University of Kentucky with a 4-year nutrition degree (with honors)
I completed 1400+ hours of supervised practice and passed the national Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) Exam to become a Registered Dietitian
I've personally coached hundreds of men and women (from ages 18-57) 1-on-1 to gain muscle, lose fat, and live the life they want
I earned my pro card as a drug-free, natural bodybuilder
I've learned from the top fitness professionals in the field and consider many of them friends
I'm also just a guy in his late twenties, who loves looking and feeling better than the average person ⏤ without living in the gym.
Ask yourself, “Am I ready to commit to this for at least 90 days?”
Clients who’ve seen the best long-term success have stuck with me for at least 90 days, so that’s my required minimum commitment. That said, roughly 73% of clients stay with me for seven months or longer. So let’s ditch the fad diets and create a better, healthier way of living (for life).
Fill out an application.
Just like you don’t wanna be coached by just anybody, I don’t wanna just coach anybody. So to make sure we’re a good fit⏤and because coaching spots are very limited⏤every potential client has to go through a short application process. The application is only a few questions and takes a couple minutes to complete. It gives me an opportunity to get to know you and how I can best help. You can click any button on this page to start the process.
Email consult with yours truly.
After you submit the app, I’ll send you an email with a handful of specific questions regarding your responses. Again, it shouldn’t take too long and only helps me dig deeper into what you’re struggling with. You’ll forward your answers back to me and I’ll explain to you exactly what approach we’ll be taking together if we decide to move forward. If both parties are happy after a short email exchange, we’ll give Internet high fives and move onto the last step before we begin.
If accepted, you’ll pick your pricing and commitment plan.
You won’t see pricing on this page because price will vary depending on your goals, needs, time commitment, etc. That said, my coaching packages typically range anywhere from $297 to $497/month. But during this step, I’ll lay out two things: 1) time commitment options 2) payment options. All payments are collected via PayPal or a debit/credit card.
The transformation begins and we dominate life together.
Once you pick a coaching package and your payment goes through, I’ll email your first steps within 24 hours. After that, you can expect to receive your workout and nutrition plans within seven days (typically sooner). And then the real fun begins as we venture into the cave, swords in hand, to slay the Dragon that is your fitness struggles.
Ask yourself, “Am I ready to commit to this for at least 90 days?”
Clients who’ve seen the best long-term success have stuck with me for at least 90 days, so that’s my required minimum commitment. That said, roughly 73% of clients stay with me for seven months or longer. So let’s ditch the fad diets and create a better, healthier way of living (for life).
Fill out an application.
Just like you don’t wanna be coached by just anybody, I don’t wanna just coach anybody. So to make sure we’re a good fit⏤and because coaching spots are very limited⏤every potential client has to go through a short application process. The application is only a few questions and takes a couple minutes to complete. It gives me an opportunity to get to know you and how I can best help. You can click any button on this page to start the process.
Email consult with yours truly.
After you submit the app, I’ll send you an email with a handful of specific questions regarding your responses. Again, it shouldn’t take too long and only helps me dig deeper into what you’re struggling with. You’ll forward your answers back to me and I’ll explain to you exactly what approach we’ll be taking together if we decide to move forward. If both parties are happy after a short email exchange, we’ll give Internet high fives and move onto the last step before we begin.
If accepted, you’ll pick your pricing and commitment plan.
You won’t see pricing on this page because price will vary depending on your goals, needs, time commitment, etc. That said, my coaching packages typically range anywhere from $187 to $327/month. But during this step, I’ll lay out two things: 1) time commitment options 2) payment options. All payments are collected via PayPal or a debit/credit card.
The transformation begins and we dominate life together.
Once you pick a coaching package and your payment goes through, I’ll email your first steps within 24 hours. After that, you can expect to receive your workout and nutrition plans within seven days (typically sooner). And then the real fun begins as we venture into the cave, swords in hand, to slay the Dragon that is your fitness struggles.
What My Clients Say
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does coaching cost?
You won’t see pricing on this page because the price will vary depending on your goals, needs, time commitment, etc. That said, my coaching packages typically range anywhere from $297 to $497/month.
When on the fence about price, I tell potential clients to think of it this way: if you could pay this exact amount and get everything you could possibly want from this coaching program⏤physically and mentally⏤would you pay it? If yes, it’s a no brainer.
Do you offer training or nutrition coaching ONLY?
Absolutely. While I recommend handing me the reins over on both your diet and exercise for best results, I’ve still had people make stellar progress with me controlling one or the other. I have an option to choose in the client application form.
Who do you (typically) work with?
Men and women, between the ages of 21-60 years old, who have at least one year of lifting experience in the gym. I don’t usually take on complete beginners since this is an online program and they’d benefit more from in-person training to monitor technique.
Most people that come to me have years of experience, but are bored with their current routine and/or want to outsource their planning to me. They know how to workout and eat well, but they struggle to do it consistently (especially when life gets busy).
My advice: fill out the application and I’ll take it from there.
What’s different about your coaching?
You get me.
There are thousands of other coaches, courses, blogs, podcasts, and influencers that could help you with your fitness goals, but you’re considering hiring me.
(That’s your answer.)
Do I need to be in the US to join?
Nope. I’ve worked with people from Australia, Japan, England, Indonesia, Philippines, Canada, all over. As long as you have Wi-Fi, you can apply.
Can you work around injuries or exercises I don’t like?
As long as it’s no major injury, it shouldn’t be a problem at all. That said, I’m not a doctor, physical therapist, or physiotherapist, so don’t expect me to “fix you.”
And as for exercises you don’t like, I’m sure we can find a substitute. Many people come to me not wanting to do barbell squats or deadlifts, and that’s fine. Exercises are only tools in a toolbox to achieve the result we want. There’s plenty of other tools we can use.
Will I have to follow a meal plan? And can I have alcohol or eat out while on this plan?
Meal plans: no. Meal plans don’t teach people how to manage their nutrition, they just prove you can follow directions. This is a coaching program, and meal plans aren’t conducive to teaching you how to eat according to your goals—especially when life gets hectic—so I’m not a fan.
That said, I do provide meal templates and specific meal ideas clients can use. But they get to make the final decision (because they’ll have to do this AFTER we stop working together).
Alcohol and eating out: absolutely. Most of my clients do this regularly and still get phenomenal results. “Lifestyle nutrition coaching” is my specialty.
How long does coaching last?
After coaching hundreds of people, I’ve found 90-days to be the sweet spot for guaranteed results, so this is the bare minimum commitment. Anything less than that and people don’t take it as seriously, or they don’t stick around long enough to see results. Remember, we want lasting change, not a short-term fix.
Other than the minimum of 12-weeks, you can stay as long as you’d like. On average, clients stay around 7 months, but it’s not uncommon for me to work with someone for a year or longer.
Okay, but seriously. I’m not trying to pressure you like some frat dude at a kegger who doesn’t realize he’s about to get a lawsuit against him.
I’m just SAYING that you should take a minute and ask yourself: how much progress have you made in the last 4 months?
Now. How much would you like to make in the next 4?
If those two things don’t match up, well, maybe what you’re doing’s not working. Maybe it’s time to try something different. Maybe it’s time to realize that you might not be able to make the progress you want without a little accountability, expertise, and skin in the game.
Or, maybe you like spinning your wheels and being frustrated.
What the fuck do I know? I only do this for a living.
Again: online coaching isn’t for everyone. If you’re a total beginner, I’d much rather you spend some time in the gym with a coach who can physically show you the correct form you need and push you a bit. That’s the safest way.
And even if you’re not a beginner, it’s possible that online coaching might not be right for you. Maybe you need someone to stand there and count reps and ask you about your weekend.
It’s even possible that online coaching is exactly what you need—but that we’re not a good fit. Like, maybe you hate kittens and think The Office was the worst show on tv. If that’s the case, I’m sorry, but this just ain’t gonna work out.
On the other hand.
It’s entirely possible I’m the perfect coach for you, and can help you do exactly what you want.
Let’s figure that out together.
Apply below, and we’ll be able to chat and see if you’re a good fit.
And if it turns out we’ll get along like Brian and Stewie Griffin and I’ve got room on the roster, we’ll make some magic happen.
Fill out this app, and get ready to start taking gratuitous selfies.
Once you click the button, it’ll take you to a form to fill out a few questions. After you submit that form, I’ll be in touch with your next steps to see if we’re a good fit. If yes, you’ll pay and then we’ll get your transformation started within 7 days! (You know you want to, just click the button.)