My Dead-simple Approach to Healthy Eating


Today, I’m going to teach you my dead-simple approach to healthy eating (without hating your life).

After being in the fitness industry for a decade and personally coaching 300+ clients, I’ve realized nutrition mostly comes down to a few “big rocks.” Of course, there are plenty of other things that are important, but less so than what I’m about to show you.

The problem for most is shiny object syndrome.

You’re not sure WHAT matters for your nutrition ⏤ and you don’t trust your knowledge enough to verify fact from fiction ⏤ so your beliefs are thrown around like the strings of a puppet.

And it’s not your fault! This shit is complicated, and nutrition information is more abundant than ever (thanks, TikTok).

But by the end of reading this, you’ll be more confident than ever on where to point your effort and attention.

Let’s dive in.

The 3 daily nutrition targets I have every client focus on: a calorie range, a protein minimum, and a fiber minimum.

Yep, that’s it.

I know, sounds kinda boring ⏤ but the results are dramatic. And when I say results, I don’t just mean general weight loss.

I’ve chosen these three specifically to:

  • Increase muscle mass and strength
  • Decrease fat mass
  • Improve overall health and biomarkers

I’ll show you how by breaking down each one.


Why it matters: calories aren’t ALL that matter, but they matter most for improving body composition (decreasing fat, increasing muscle).

And the reason why I recommend a calorie range is because using a static target is a bit too rigid. 1700-1900 calories per day is easier to hit than a strict goal of 1800 calories per day.

How to determine yours: there are a few ways of going about this, so I’ll lay out each one from most accurate to least accurate.

  1. Most accurate: read my article on how to setup a calorie deficit.​
  2. More accurate: use an online calorie calculator.
  3. Least accurate: take your bodyweight and multiply it by 10-12 to get your daily calorie target.


Why it matters: eating protein prevents your body from breaking down muscle tissue for energy. And when you’re in a calorie deficit (i.e., burning more calories than you’re consuming), your energy stores from food are already limited because you’re eating less than maintenance. This means you’re at higher risk of losing muscle mass in a calorie deficit, and eating protein (and lifting weights) helps fight against that.

Many people think that fat is the most satiating macronutrient, but it’s actually protein. And since hunger can become an obstacle while dieting, eating higher protein will keep you fuller for longer between meals.

How to determine yours: this is going to be individual, but a good start for most is 0.7g/lb of bodyweight. (e.g., 150 lbs = 150 x 0.7 = 105g). From a safety standpoint, you don’t have to worry about eating too much protein, so I’d recommend you start by simply adding more protein to each of your meals going forward. But for best results, track it so you’re sure.

Note: I give minimums instead of specific targets or a range because it’s the easiest to remember and the easiest to stick to.


Why it matters: fiber has inherent health benefits like aiding digestion, promoting a healthy gut, lowering cholesterol, keeping you fuller for longer, and much more.

But the main reason I make my clients hit a fiber minimum is because of the quality of foods that contain fiber in them: fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These are the most micronutrient-dense foods we can eat, packed with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Therefore, I know my clients are eating a healthy diet if they are consistently hitting their fiber minimum (without supplements).

This target is the key to making sure they aren’t hitting their calories solely through crappy foods. You can’t reach your fiber goal if you’re consuming all your carbs through Pop Tarts.

How to determine yours: I usually start my clients off at 20g/day minimum, with the goal of increasing it once they can hit it regularly with ease. Another good rule is 14g per 1,000 calories consumed (e.g., 2,000 cals/day = 28g/day).

To be clear: if my clients hit their calorie range, protein minimum, and fiber minimum for the day, they are allowed to eat whatever foods they want while on my coaching program. How? Because they won’t be able to hit those targets without the majority of their food coming from nutritious, whole food sources. And yes, they still lose fat, build muscle, and get healthier ⏤ now they’re just much less miserable in the process.


You might want to jump in with both feet and try to hit all three targets at once. If that feels right, go for it.

You might want to try starting with just the calorie range. That’s also OK.

Whatever you do, just aim to be more consistent than you were the week before. Because these targets don’t matter much if you can’t stick to them.

To accelerate results, figure out how to be as consistent as possible. (And don’t BS yourself is progress is slow.)


If your goal is to improve body composition and overall health, the most important “big rocks” of your nutrition are:

  • Daily Calorie Range
    • Biggest driver of body composition changes
    • Determine a calorie deficit target
    • +/- 100 cals on both sides to find your range
  • Daily Protein Minimum
    • Aids muscle building and keeps you fuller for longer while dieting
    • 0.7g/lb x your bodyweight
    • Get started by eating more protein at each meal
  • Daily Fiber Minimum
    • Promotes a healthy gut, aids digestion, and ensures a micronutrient dense diet
    • 20g/day or 14g per 1,000 cals eaten
    • Get started by adding a fiber source to each meal
  • Consistency
    • Nothing else works without this

And there you go!

Hope that helped ⏤ now go make it happen.

Chat soon,


When you’re ready, here are 3 more ways I can help you:

1 – Download my free, 7-day email course on doing the least amount of work to lose the most fat possible.

Just give me 15 minutes or less each day to give you clarity on what matters most for your fat loss goals (and how to apply it).

🟢 Download Frictionless Fat Loss for free.

2 – Work with me directly to get in the best shape of your life and stop breaking promises to yourself.

Every month I open up applications to work with me through my 90-day fat loss coaching program. I only work with people that I can help (321+ clients so far). And since you’re here, good chance that’s you.

​​💪 Click here to apply to work with me.

3 – Check out my free content.

📲 Instagram: “Every Fitness Pro Does These 10 Things”

🎙 Podcast: 100+ episodes with top fitness experts & 150+ shorter “Minisodes” packed with actionable advice.

👨🏼‍💻 Blog: Start here –“Stealth Dieting”: A Guide to Navigating Social Situations Guilt-Free

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