Month: January 2020 Articles

My 2019 Retrospective (And 2020 Action Plan)

A retrospective is when you look back on past events to identify what worked…and what didn’t work. A retrospective helps you celebrate your wins and identify your weaknesses. It helps you learn from the past and correct for the future.

How To Deal With Friends, Family, And Co-Workers While Dieting

In this post, I go over 4 ways to deal with shitty things people say to you while dieting.

Avoid The Shallow Life At All Costs

An excerpt from something I’ve been working on lately, called “The Deep Life Project”.

How To Cook The Perfect Steak Dinner In 10 Easy Steps

Whether you’re trying to impress your date or you just want a delicious dinner for one ⏤ this meal should be your go-to.

9am To 10am

Every morning, I wake up and sit at this desk from 9am to 4:30pm.   I get started on “work” work around...